Monday, August 30, 2010

Home for the Holidays

As Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Sukkot approach, Jews from all over the world are truly coming "home for the holidays." Yes, a Jew may live in New York or Denver or London or Paris, but Israel is home, and as the holidays approach, Jerusalem is the destination.
This week will be a busy one for me. I will have to make sure that the home of each of my clients is clean and tidy, that all electrical appliances are in good working order and that the fridge is filled with whatever each family needs. It's a drill I know very well, and one that I am excited to do, because when everything in each apartment is just right, I know it means that the family is coming home. And that's a great feeling for me, and for all our brethren.
For those of my clients who live in Jerusalem, there's so much to look forward to. Before the holidays, there's the rush to prepare. On Yom Tov, there's holiness in the air, absolutely everywhere. And there is no sight more exciting and heart-thumping than the sight of dozens and then hundreds and thousands of Jews making their way to the Kotel (the Wailing Wall) for prayer services. There at the foot of the Temple Mount, the words of prayer reverberate against the walls and in everyone's soul.
Got to go get ready for another family. They're coming home for the holidays.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ashkelon - Water Inside/Water Outside

Water Inside
While visiting the Ashkelon apartments that I manage, I found a leak below the kitchen sink in one of the most modern flats. Leaks are tricky things. If you're not a plumber, "playing" with the pipes in your home could cause more damage than you can imagine. So, I shut down the main water line and called two plumbers that I work with in the area.
The water had already created a little puddle in the kitchen, but because I'd been there very recently, it hadn't leaked enough to create any damage under the cabinets, the furniture or in the neighbor's apartment below.
Apartments, especially those of absentee landlords, must be checked frequently to prevent damage from leaks or other problems.
Water Outside
Ashkelon is a popular place for vacation apartments. This apartment overlooks the Ashkelon marina. The sea is so beautiful all year round here. The city of Ashkelon itself is a lovely place to live and vacation. If you've never been there, it's kind of like North Miami Beach. It's a beautiful place for a stroll. And there are loads of parks for the children here.
The population is upper and upper middle class. There are many hi-tech industries in the area. And best of all for the kids, it's got the Ashkeloona Water Park.
Ashkelon is a great place for a vacation home, and if you can't be here to watch over it all the time, that's why I'm around.
Israel Apartment Management - Your Man in Israel